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Thermic Sonicators

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In the realm of scientific research and experimentation, precision and control are paramount. Laboratory sonicators represent a crucial tool in achieving these objectives, offering a versatile and efficient means of sample preparation and manipulation. Utilizing the principles of ultrasonic technology, laboratory sonicators generate high-frequency sound waves that propagate through liquid media, inducing a range of effects such as emulsification, dispersion, and cell disruption.

This introductory guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of laboratory sonicators, elucidating their fundamental principles, applications across various scientific disciplines, and key considerations for optimal usage.

Principle of Operation:
THERMIC Laboratory sonicators operate based on the principle of ultrasonics, harnessing the mechanical vibrations generated by transducers to impart energy to liquid samples. When subjected to ultrasonic waves, the phenomenon of cavitation occurs, wherein the rapid formation and collapse of microscopic bubbles release intense localized energy. This cavitation effect results in a range of mechanical and chemical processes, including the disruption of cellular structures, homogenization of emulsions, and dispersion of particles.
The versatility of laboratory sonicators renders them indispensable across numerous scientific domains:
  •   Cell Disruption and Lysis: Sonication is commonly employed in molecular biology and biotechnology for the disruption of cells, facilitating the release of intracellular contents such as proteins, DNA, and RNA.
  •   Emulsification and Homogenization: Sonicators are utilized to create stable emulsions by effectively dispersing immiscible liquids or finely dividing solid particles suspended in a liquid medium.
  •   Particle Size Reduction: In materials science and nanotechnology, sonication serves to reduce particle size and improve dispersion, crucial for the synthesis and processing of nanoparticles and colloidal suspensions.
  •   Degassing and Deaeration: Sonication aids in the removal of dissolved gases from liquids, essential in applications such as degassing solvents and preparing bubble-free solutions for analytical techniques
  •   Sample Preparation: From sample homogenization in microbiology to the preparation of nanoparticle dispersions in pharmaceutical research, sonication plays a pivotal role in sample preparation protocols across diverse scientific disciplines.

Ultrasonic Cleaner is essential tool for Scientific & Pharma Labs. There are many uses of ultrasonic cleaner in QC , R&D & Analytical Labs such as,
  •   Dissolve, disperse, and emulsify samples
  •   Sonochemestry i.e. degassing the solution
  •   Cleaning the glass ware , Lab Instruments
Key Considerations ;
Effective utilization of laboratory sonicators requires careful consideration of several factors:
  •   Frequency and Power: The choice of sonication frequency and power levels depends on the specific application and sample characteristics, necessitating optimization for desired outcomes while minimizing potential sample degradation.
  •   Sample Integrity: Vigilance is crucial to prevent excessive heating and mechanical damage to sensitive samples, necessitating the implementation of appropriate cooling methods and sonication durations.
  •   Probe Selection: The selection of sonication probes, including their size and material composition, influences sonication efficiency and compatibility with different sample types.
  •   Experimental Setup: Proper calibration and setup of sonication equipment, including vessel size and positioning, are essential to ensure reproducibility and consistency of results
  •   Capacity: 10/20/30 Litres (+ 1L)
  •   Dimensions (in mm):
  •   Inner: 305x230x150mm/ 450x 305x150mm/ 380x380x200 mm (+/- 20mm)
  •   Electric Supply : 230 V AC 1 Phase OR 440 V , A.C, 50 Hz 3 phase.
  •   Ultrasonic Power : 250/400/500 Watt
  •   Temp:_Upto 60 Deg C
  •   Ultrasonic Frequency : 33 KHz OR 40 K Hz , +/- 3 KHz
  •   Ultrasonic Generator : Micro Controller base Digital Timer .
  •   With latest MOSFET base technology
  •   With Auto Degassing facility.
  •   Automatic frequency tuning for maximum output
  •   Modular generator for easier modification/servicing.
  •   Timer : Two Digit LED display 0
  •   90 minutes Timer with settable & On / Off keys.
  •   Heater : S.S sheathed cartridge type immersion heater Heater can easily be replaced
  •   Temperature Control : Maximum allowable Temp is 60°C
  •   Digital Temp/ Controller with two Digit LED Display with settable & On / Off
  •   Transducers : PZT Sandwich type, bonded on the base of S.S Tank, Crystal used of PZT4, of vmatrock Morgon Make. High temp. & good quality wires for connection & epoxy for bonding of transducers are used.
  •   Tank MOQ : S.S 304 grade, 1.6mm thick & buffed form inside
  •   Tank Capacity : 28 Liters
  •    Inlet & Drain Valve : 1/2" Ball Valve is provided for cleaning for the Both tank
  •   Over Flow Tap : ½
  •   Tap Enclosure MOQ : S.S 304 grade.
  •   Float Switch Protection : Ultrasonic Cleaner will start when tank solution will fill up to the marking level. This is for protection of crystals
  •   Micro Controller base Digital Timer .
  •   With latest MOSFET base technology.
  •   Automatic frequency tuning for maximum output
  •   Low transducer losses permit maximum cleaning action.
  •   Modular generator for easier modification/servicing.
  •   Rugged and easy to clean stainless steel housing.
  •   Extensively protected electronics circuits for longer and safe operation.
  •   Frequency 40 KHz + 3 KHz fixed frequency
  •   Supply voltage of 230 V AC 1 Phase OR 440 V AC 3 Phase
  •   Inbuilt Digital Timer & Digital Temp. Controller Up to 60 Deg . C
  •   Single Stage : Only One Ultrasonic Chamber
Float Switch protection : Ultrasonic Cleaner will start when tank solution will fill up to the marking level. This is for protection of crystals

In conclusion, laboratory sonicators represent indispensable tools for a wide array of scientific applications, offering precise control over sample preparation and manipulation through the harnessing of ultrasonic energy. By understanding the fundamental principles and optimizing experimental parameters, researchers can leverage the capabilities of sonication to advance their scientific endeavors across diverse disciplines.

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